

Guess who's back

Vor kære Agathe fra StyleBytes har givet lyder fra sig i løbet af sommerferien via hendes Phiary-profil. Det er endnu ukendt om hun begynde at blogge igen, men bare at hun er tilbage på sin Phiary-profil ser jeg som et skønt tegn. :)Her ses Agathe med sin nye frisure, som er lidt a la Yves Saint Laurents modeller aw 08/09.

(Billedet er fra Agathes Phiary)

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

Cool picture. Tried to read everything else but got a little lost.

cool looking blog though!

Anonym sagde ...

Yeah, I know. I wish it was me.

What i wrote was: That after a really long period of time our beloved Agathe from StyleBytes finally has updated her Phiary-profil. If ever she ever will blog again, that's still unknown but I'm just pleased with her profil on Phiary, where she uploads pictures of her life and herself.

+ That she has gotten a new haircut, which remind me of the models of YSL aw 08/09 haircut. :)
