

yesterday and today

I fredags var vi jo ude at ride på islandske heste, det var noget af en oplevelse. Min lillesøster og farfar faldt begge af hesten, først min lillesøster fordi hun ikke kunne styre hesten og på grund af terrænet, bag efter min farfar da han ville hurtigt af hesten for at komme over til hende. Der skete heldigvis ikke andet end, at de nu har et par blå mærker, men det er nu også slemt nok. Jeg kunne godt mærke, det var heldigt jeg har gået til ridning, for de ponyer var godt nok ikke til at styre. Meningen var en stille tur i et smukt landskab, men de startede trav og til tider galop, åndsvage dyr.

Efter rideturen tog vi ud i den Blå Lagune og badet og lagde silica-masker. Det var så lækkert. Terrænet omkring den Blå Lagune er af lavasten, det er virkeligt et smukt sted. - men mere om det, når jeg får lagt mine billeder ind.

I går tog vi op på Perlan, hvor der er en helt fantastisk udsigt og efter det tog vi ned i Reykjaviks gamle bydel og gik rundt og shoppede en smule. Vi spiste frokost på den hyggeligste café, der hed Café Paris. Efter frokost gik jeg hen til Reykjaviks Museum of Photography, hvor der var en fin lille udstilling der hed "Life isn't just a game, it's also a bed of roses." Billederne var taget af Óli Páll Kristjánsson en af islandsk mest kendte fotografer.

- “This is an exhibition of Icelandic image photography from the 1960s. Youth culture is coming into existence following the rock’n’roll revolution. Fresh breezes are blowing. The Icelandic nation has migrated from the countryside to the city. They still miss the rural past, however, and sing old songs about the charms of life on the farm. But they are looking to the future, with the focus on Icelandic industry and, along with it, lifestyle. That is the origin of these images. The word hönnun (design) is brand-new in Icelandic, fresh, pristine. A new generation has arisen, with different attitudes. They can’t sit as their parents do: they need a different kind of chair. They are teenagers around 1960. They have no memory of the horrors of World War II. They have spring their hearts, and high hopes about travel to the moon. Dogs, chimps, and now men have been sent into space. The Beatles have sent Elvis packing, and skirts are short. Liquorice ties, nylon shirts, pointed shoes. Finned American eight-cylinder automobiles prowling around town. Khrushchev has slammed his shoe down on the lectern at the United Nations. The icons of those days, Sæmi Rock, Ómar Ragnarsson and Ellý Vilhjálms, sing songs of the open road. And it seemed that we could go anywhere we wanted. Then there was a recession. Icelanders emigrated to Canada and Sweden in search of work. The hippies became angry, and protests broke out. But that’s another story. This story is about optimism, and happy days.”

Resten af dagene gik med souvenir-shopping og en tur forbi Nordens hus.

I dag har vi pakket og skal afsted til lufthavnen om en times tid.

Jeg håber, I har det godt hvorend I nu befinder jer!


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